045 999 1788   

Supervision Training

Becoming an Effective and Ethical Supervisor - Foundation Dietitians

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Upcoming Workshops

WORKSHOP 1: August 2024

Dates: August 8-9 & 15-16 2024 ONLINE. 9am – 1.30pm AEST 



November 14 -15 & 21- 22  2024 ONLINE. 9am – 1.30pm AEDT 


This event will run according to demand. 

There is an application process for this training. REGISTER YOUR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR 2025 SUPERVISION WORKSHOPS [DATES TBC]  HERE.

If you don’t meet all of the criteria for attendance below but are already delivering supervision please submit an EOI for discussion.


This workshops series aims to facilitate the development of Dietitian provision of supervision service to Dietitian supervisees in Australia. It is the first of its kind for Australian Dietitians/APDs. The overarching goal of this training is to support a culture supervision in Australian Dietetics by helping to build a community of confident, professional and enthusiastic supervisors. The workshop will run at least twice each calendar year.

What is the content of the training?

The content of the workshop series covers the theoretical and practical essentials for the development of an ethical and effective supervision service. This is introductory, foundational training that aims to enhance the confidence and practical supervision skills of all participants, irrespective of supervision experience.
The supervision being taught in this workshop series is individual professional/clinical supervision. The workshop does not teach student supervision, managerial supervision or group supervision. The principal mode of supervisory practice focused on in the training will be reflective supervision however we will also cover the teaching, restorative and accountability tasks required in the delivery of effective supervision to practicing professionals.

What methods of learning will participants be engaged in?

The methods of learning include small group discussions, case studies, experientials, reflective learning, videos and live demonstrations. All training methods will embody the skills and spirit of Motivational Interviewing. There will be an abundance of wisdom and practice based evidence amongst workshop participants and the training is designed to pull that forward, affirm it and then build on it with dynamic learning opportunities and theoretical knowledge development. The training provides a safe learning environment where attendees can have a go, make mistakes, triumph and find their own supervision style.

Who will be in the class?

Attendees will be APDs/Dietitians already delivering supervision who may (or may not) have had some supervision training or APDs/Dietitians preparing to become supervisors with no training at all. Class size will be capped at 12 – 15. Limits will be described when each workshop is confirmed.

What will the registration fee be?

The fee for the training and workbook = $785.00 incl GST (payment upon final registration) for 2024.

What are the Essential & Ideal Pre – Requisites for attending this course:

  1. Essential: Minimum 5 Years experience as an APD. Ideal: 10 or more
  2. Essential: Minimum 2 years of receiving supervision as a supervisee. Ideal: 5 or more. **This does NOT include student supervision on placement or mentoring received on the APD Mentoring program.**
  3. Essential: Completing Practice Pavestones workshop (or equivalent**):  Understanding Professional Boundaries: Working Sustainably & Ethically with Clients in Contemporary Dietetic Practice .  To access the schedule for this workshop go through to the dedicated webpage here. **The half day presentation I delivered for ANZAED in 2017 is not equivalent.
  4. Essential: A practical knowledge and ability to deliver solid reflective listening skills. Ideal: training in Motivational Interviewing or other client centred counselling skills. If you have not done this sort of training in the past it is highly likely you will feel the need to after attending the supervision workshop series.